You Have Too Much Time

The truth is that you have too much of it. No, I'm not kidding, it's what I really think. Time management gurus and books have always told us that time is limited and we have to make the best of it. I agree with all of them because you can't really change the hours in a day, but how much of it are you actually enjoying?

That's a deep question, and what I think about it is that if you are not 100% happy with yourself in every single moment of your life, you are actually wasting time. I know it sounds ridiculous but bear with me, you won't regret it.

I know some people who seems to be always happy and I'm sure you know someone with this characteristic too. They are exceptional because when you meet them you are wrapped by a sense of positiveness. Yes, they have bad moments too, but they're able to recover very quickly. I have always admired those people but it wasn't until recently that I discovered what makes them so special/

So what is that makes those people act in that way? It's easy to tell because we all enter that special mode from time to time, some people will do more often that others, but we all eventually do sometimes. It's that particular feeling when have a combination of happiness, curiosity and concentration. Some people call it the zone. The best thing about that sensation is that you can experience it in every situation, from work to family and everything in between.

Now, can you imagine what would happen if you would could be in that state from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed? Well, you would accomplish extraordinary things in a very short period of time because you are always fully aware of the situation and you have always total control of your brain. Now we are talking about productivity.

The good news is that it is definitely possible for you to reach that state of mind. It takes a bit of practice but if you think about it it's as easy as consciously making the decision with yourself to enter that state of mind right now. Try it if you want, close your eyes and think about being highly productive and motivated, I'll wait. Are you ready? Now, try to fully concentrate on that sensation and free your mind for a second from all the clutter it has accumulated. It's a great sensation, isn't it?

You now have now the opportunity to change your life for the better. Remember that all the good things in life starts when you finally change inside. That means being happy, positive (always say yes to opportunities) and doing your best in everything you do.

You'll never know what could happen before you get there, so take the first step today.

 Article By Oscar Del Ben

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