How To Become A SUPERB Leader
If you've decided you're ready, willing, able, and prepared to be a leader, do you want to be ordinary, or extraordinary? While the answer might appear to be somewhat obvious, an examination of what those thrust into these positions, actually do, and appear to seek, is quite a bit different! In four decades of identifying, qualifying, developing, training, and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I have often thought about this dilemma, and realized, there is really, no simplistic, one - size - fits - all, answer. However, I believe it might be beneficial if we examined these necessities, and thus, this article will briefly examine, using the mnemonic approach, what the ingredients and components of becoming a SUPERB leader, might include. 1. Strengthening; sustainable system : Determining how meaningfully, someone serves, in any position of leadership, can only be determined, when one examines, thoroughly, whether his stewardship, proce...